What Is Incoming Traffic?

What Is Incoming Traffic

How can you get inbound traffic to your site fromSomeone else’s website? Did you know that we have lots ofwebsites Owner.com and those owners are always looking for ways to gettraffic to their site. They call itIncoming Traffic.

Internet Marketing is the best job in the world because the moneyjust flows and You get to set your own pace. With InternetMarketing You write content, do your own marketingand promote, and pay yourself a commission for each andevery sale and I don’t add anything to that price, the owner ofyou website does it all for you.

Do you realize how many ways thereare to get inbound traffic to your site? Here are some of the ways that Ihaveused and just look at what you cannot do, talk to your self, and make goodmoney.Here is a list of ways you can get inbound traffic:

  1. PPC – Pay Per Click like if you went to the mall andtacked on a sign that says “just one sale” itwould literally get you a clicks by a thousand visitors a day. You can accomplish the same thingwith a pay per click, you are not making a sale, youare drawing people to your site, all you need is a step by step guide.
  2. Joint Ventures – the great thing about jointventures is what draws the most traffic to a JV. You can upbeat everything pedd recreate for a JV campaign FOR spent $150.
  3. Social Networks – There are so many social networkingand book marking sites out there already.I also do this with twitter, and Facebook, and LinkedIn, and friendster, and Plaxo, and instagram, and myspace, and ABOUT travels, and aili rapidly, myspace, and completely FREE. There are lots of other socialNetworking andBook marking sites; you get the point.
  4. Blogging – huge website traffic is coming from Jayapoker. Keep your own blog especiallyfor informational purposes.
  5. Video – Digg it, you can do this just check out these two sites to do this.
  6. Article Marketing – this I love. Write a piecea day, submit it to all the top article directories, blogs andadd it to other article submission websites such as EzineArticles.com. When your friends read your article andlike it they have the opportunity to post iton their blogs and gain a lot of traffic.
  7. Social Book Marking – A person with their blog bookmarked will have a rise in site traffic to their site.

To sum it all up:

  1. Website Branding – register your own URL and you will dominate the net.
  2. A website Online – I have just one page and it is already movinglike skyhigh. Did I mention? it is completely FREE!
  3. Proper navigation – good site structure, a opt in form for your visitors, a opt outsubscribe form…gonna get you more email addresses than you might think.
  4. Links – explanatory sentences surrounds a link to another tool or program,this stops people having a hard time reading and surfing.
  5. Great Content – the key to my success.
  6. Incoming Traffic – Every business with a website will want tolegitimately get inbound traffic. It is the lifeblood of your business.

The Money is in Traffic – you must have targeted visitors If you haveanybody read this then you can write articles now, send traffic, blog with a link in tactnow to your website. Stay tuned for the third article in this series, fantastic richified!